Friday, January 1, 2010

To New Beginnings!


That shit is so played out.


My new year is beginning quiteee beautifullly. When you forcibly shut one door, it seems like at least two more open.

So far, between 12/31/09 - 1/1/10 I havee..

  • Figured out everyone's place in my life.
  • Put people on blast.
  • Tied up loose ends.
  • Watched Vertigo! (amazing movie)
Before the new year started, I realized that karma was coming down and hitting people, almost as if karma understood that a new decade was coming, and decided to catch up. I noticed that everyone around me was feeling karma around them, so I knew what was coming to me was inevitable.

However, I think I overcame whatever karma threw at me. I stopped being a little bitch, maintained my thoughts, and fought through any lingering feelings, and did what needed to be done. In this case, I needed to burn bracelets, notes, and even a bear (as seen above) from her. I burned my thumbs in the process, but I felt the whole thing was symbolic. I just burned parts of each bracelet and note, so it cannot be tied together. I then put all of it in a glass filled with water on top of my tv, just as that reminder.

But I think 'oh-ten' has great things in store for me. The people I'm surrounding myself with are people I feel I can irrevocably trust, and grow from, and that's what I need.

** new thing maybe? Instead of song lyrics -- photos? It's just a thought. First one is mother and I. Second is of my older brother and I. How is it that he's five years older then me, and still I look so much older?


1 comment:

  1. awh :) i love the whole burning thing.
    I think I'm a pyromaniac.
    ahaha, i love this post tho
    :) lil q is growinnn upp.
