Sunday, January 24, 2010


I like trying out different poetic formats, just to push myself. This was my first time writing a villanelle, and I kinda like itt, but I don't like how it ends. It follows a rhyming format, and you have to repeat lines 1 and 3 from the first stanza in certain places.
You always think about you.
Never gave a consistent thought to me.
Even when it was overdue.

You're imprinted on me like a tattoo.
You ignore my desperate plea.
You always think about you.

I wish to bid you an adieu.
I wish to clear the debris.
Even when it was overdue.

My feelings for you grew.
You knew, and smiled with glee.
You always think about you.

Anything bad I heard, I thought untrue.
I should've saw that you were a banshee.
Even when it was overdue.

My perspective of you was askew.
Once you stung like a bee.
You always think about about you.
Even when it was overdue.


Pity shouldn't be used on the stupid.

New motto, because it is so true. Why waste your breath comforting someone who knows exactly what they're doing -- but continues doing it?

I got into an interesting debate today; maturity versus immaturity. How can one actually judge it?

In my opinion, maturity is accepting what life gives you, whereas immaturity is trying to find a way to change what you can't simply handle. My friend is on the other end of the spectrum, as he claims it's the other way around.

But in reality, is it? If you know someone is going to end up disappointing you, because they disappointed you before, why talk to them? Aren't you just setting yourself up to fall, especially since you already know what that person is capable of? Of course you could give the person the benefit of the doubt, and claim that they won't -- but that's just immaturity, straight up.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Heartbreaker redux .

First and foremost;; MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE is when someone comments my blog saying they like it, and then asking for me to follow. Just a forewarning, out of courtesy, you should follow mines as well. So please stop using my comment space to whore for followers. You look desperate (:

English Class asked for another essay again ., and we had to write about our favorite song and what memories it brings up. I chose Heartbreaker by MSTRKRFT, which if you have not heard by now, it is a must-hear. I wrote about Paranoia, and in all honestly, it's a continuation off of the essay I wrote about previously. However, without further ado, here's the essay.


Music is a powerful force in our life. Within four minutes (give or take), our ears are hit with melodies that stir up memories that are long forgotten or fairly recent. Whenever a song comes on, it is always easy to claim this song fits your life perfectly, but as life changes, so does that ‘perfect song’. However, just like specific people are destined to populate your life, certain songs are meant to personify you, regardless of how much time passes. The song I am referencing to is a slightly unknown song by a Canadian group called MSTRKRFT. Their song, Heartbreaker featuring John Legend is a song that can sum up two years of pining for a female that not only was incredibly evasive to my clever techniques, but one who could rip a heart into shreds with her razor sharp teeth.

Just five months ago, my sister and I laid in her bed with our eyes glued to our favorite show of the moment, So You Think You Can Dance. We watched the penultimate show where four dancers ripped their hearts out, and left it on the dance floor. It was Jeanine and Evan’s turn, and they took the stage and the music started to play. At first, my sister and I smirked. The electro-jazz vibe we got from the song was quite odd from what we were accustomed to. All of that soon melted away when the dancers begun. I cringed as Evan desperately grasped for Jeanine as she threw out the most flagitious glare that could make even Satan cower in fear. She threw him across the stage effortlessly, and yet he still followed her around like a lost puppy. I furrowed my brow as I tried to figure out why that song and dance haunted my thoughts, almost creating an oppressive feeling.

After that night, the song and dance left my thoughts for awhile. I still toiled with the female day after day, but I became as used to my position in her life as a best friend, my synapse refused to let anything destroy the walls of denial I erected. Of course, not all bricks are created equally, and she somehow exploited that one less than stellar brick, and soon the whole wall crumbled. The synapse in my mind went into overdrive to minimize all possible damage I could receive during my internal convalescence. As I wandered around my house, looking for something to take my mind off of her, I immediately dove into music. Finding all of the music I currently had mundane, I started to look up songs that I did not usually listen to. Heartbreaker surfaced from my memory, and without anything better else to do, I looked it up, and gave it another listen. It is always funny how things change when you put it into a different context, and Heartbreaker was no different. The electro-jazz beat still irked me slightly, but any pass annoyance paled in comparison to the lyrics that the song was composed of.

Each verse that went by in the song struck up vivid memories from my past. John Legend’s soulful voice brought me back to the very first time I met her in homeroom during 8th grade. The smiles we exchanged, and the butterflies (albeit one-sided) that was created was something that remains etched onto my brain. It was not until the chorus that everything became a clear picture. “You’re in my mind, you’re in my heart. I wish I knew right from the start. All my friends say you’d break my heart. A heartbreaker right from the start,” sums of my feelings for her. Regardless of it was my mother or a friend, all of them repeated the same phrase, “She is just not right for you.” This song was a lot more effective with its delivery apparently, as I immediately got it. My affinity towards this song finalized when the last verse of the song started. “And now it’s gone, I don’t know why. I feel like crying, just want to die. I can’t look at you, and you know why. Though I tried so hard to catch your eye,” captured the pain that I had to endure while having to see this female daily. I downloaded the song with haste, and put it on repeat as I lay down in my bed, taking comfort with my blanket.

Months flew by, and I found myself even more drawn to that song. As event after event transpired, and I ran to the comfort of my bed, that song was the only thing that would remain constant in my ever churning life. As the song played, my sullen mood eased, as I knew I could take solace in the fact that someone around the world was going through the exact thing I was going through. Through listening to that song over and over again, I finally became tired of my situation that was as much of my fault as it was hers. As time came for our usual phone call, I played the lyrics back in my head to reaffirm that what I was doing was right. My voice shook as we talked, but I jumped right into it. As the walls of denial that I repaired were completely eroded by the flash flood of tears that occurred, I hung up the phone knowing that I did right. I put Heartbreaker on repeat and cranked the volume up until it reached the maximum to drown out the sounds of my desperate sobs.

Memories are one of the more peculiar naturally occurring events in the world. Humans can somehow archive any occasion that comes up, and then suppress them as time goes on. Music as whole has the innate ability to bring us back to a certain memory that we have repressed because it is too difficult to deal with. Heartbreaker personifies that statement whole-heartedly, as it brings forth memories that I attempted to erase. With its catchy electro-jazz beat that is an acquired taste, and seemingly personalized lyrics, this song will always remain a personal favorite.

Monday, January 4, 2010

On to the Next One.

Haaa, has anyone seen Jay-Z's new music video?! I honestly do not care if it is depicting occult shiiit, or if he is just picking on people -- this music video is dope.

I like the mentality presented in the chorus; "I'm on to the next one." Which simply means keep it moving. I was enthralled with this song & music video the very first time I saw it (which was right after the new year started).

As of late, disappointment has been plaguing me as if I was Italy. I have a tolerance level, but I don't think I really should need one. I'm just at the point where I expect people to reply back to me, or if you claim I'm important to you -- then at least show it.


Friday, January 1, 2010

To New Beginnings!


That shit is so played out.


My new year is beginning quiteee beautifullly. When you forcibly shut one door, it seems like at least two more open.

So far, between 12/31/09 - 1/1/10 I havee..

  • Figured out everyone's place in my life.
  • Put people on blast.
  • Tied up loose ends.
  • Watched Vertigo! (amazing movie)
Before the new year started, I realized that karma was coming down and hitting people, almost as if karma understood that a new decade was coming, and decided to catch up. I noticed that everyone around me was feeling karma around them, so I knew what was coming to me was inevitable.

However, I think I overcame whatever karma threw at me. I stopped being a little bitch, maintained my thoughts, and fought through any lingering feelings, and did what needed to be done. In this case, I needed to burn bracelets, notes, and even a bear (as seen above) from her. I burned my thumbs in the process, but I felt the whole thing was symbolic. I just burned parts of each bracelet and note, so it cannot be tied together. I then put all of it in a glass filled with water on top of my tv, just as that reminder.

But I think 'oh-ten' has great things in store for me. The people I'm surrounding myself with are people I feel I can irrevocably trust, and grow from, and that's what I need.

** new thing maybe? Instead of song lyrics -- photos? It's just a thought. First one is mother and I. Second is of my older brother and I. How is it that he's five years older then me, and still I look so much older?
