So basically, I just don't know what I expect out of life, or maybe I do, but I don't wanna actually think about it..?
But lately I've been so disappointed with myself, with everything.
And today is just.. the top of it all.
I'm tired of people who don't know what they want.
Tired of people who drag me into several million different directions.
People that don't even consider my feelings.
People that just suck in general.
Leaving me wishing things that I feel like I shouldn't.
But once again, me being ever so mature, the feelings of extreme disgust and repulsion are gone, and now I'm only mad at myself that I allowed myself to even FALL INTO that deluded state of mind.
However. I'm done waiting. I'm done following 'pipe dreams'. Done just giving my all and expecting to get it returned.
To quote kanYe West;; " the requirement is inspirement ... and I am hiring. But also firing."
so be expecting some layoffs. =]
Didn't you know
I was waiting on you
Waiting on a dream
That'll never come true
Didn't you know
I was waiting on you
My face turned to stone
When I heard the news
- kanYe West
Hmm wow bro.